candidate lookup in progress...


a collator which has met the collation eligibility requirements.
the number of blocks authored by the candidate in the current round.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ five stars indicates that the candidate has authored the highest number of blocks, relative to other candiates, during the round.
⭐ one star indicates that the candidate has authored the lowest number of blocks, relative to other candiates, during the round.
⭐⭐, ⭐⭐⭐, ⭐⭐⭐⭐ two, three or four stars indicate that the candidate has authored some number of blocks between the highest and lowest, during the round.
💤 indicates that the candidate has not authored any blocks during the round.
the most recent block authored by the candidate.
the amount in calamari (kma), bonded by the candidate to secure eligibility to collate.
the number of nominators who have allocated stake to the candidate.
lowest stake
the amount in calamari (kma) that was required in nomination stake in order to qualify for staking rewards in the current round.
when the number of nominators who have delegated stake to the collator is greater than 100, only the top 100 nominators (by stake amount) are eligible to receive rewards.
total stake
the amount in calamari (kma), that is staked on the candidate.
a staking round is made up of a given number of blocks, currently 1800.
since a calamari block should be produced every 12 seconds, a round should last 6 hours.
in practice, it is normal to have some delays that extend the length of time between blocks and thus the overall duration of the round.
the set of candidates eligible to collate is recomputed for each round.